An approach is proposed for creating location-specific audio textures for virtual location-exploration services. The\npresented approach creates audio textures by processing a small amount of audio recorded at a given location,\nproviding a cost-effective way to produce a versatile audio signal that characterizes the location. The resulting texture\nis non-repetitive and conserves the location-specific characteristics of the audio scene, without the need of collecting\nlarge amount of audio from each location. The method consists of two stages: analysis and synthesis. In the analysis\nstage, the source audio recording is segmented into homogeneous segments. In the synthesis stage, the audio\ntexture is created by randomly drawing segments from the source audio so that the consecutive segments will have\ntimbral similarity near the segment boundaries. Results obtained in listening experiments show that there is no\nstatistically significant difference in the audio quality or location-specificity of audio when the created audio textures\nare compared to excerpts of the original recordings. Therefore, the proposed audio textures could be utilized in virtual\nlocation-exploration services. Examples of source signals and audio textures created from them are available at\